Renewable Energy in Kenya (1987)

This book describes how renewable energies can transform developing countries. It describes early experiences with tree planting, biomass fuels and solar hydro-power and wind energy. It contains useful information about the history of renewable energy in Kenya.

Solar Rural Electrification in the Developing World (1993)

Case studies of early solar electrification systems in The Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.

Solar Electric Systems for Africa (1995)

A manual for the installation of solar electric systems designed for African technicians. Though dated, the theory described in the book is still relevant for solar entrepreneurs and technicians.

A Case Study on Private Provision of Photovoltaic Systems in Kenya (2000)

Mark Hankins' chapter presents the story of private use of solar for households, SME's and NGO's in Kenya between 1992 and 2004.

Solar Photovoltaics in Africa (2004)

Mark Hankins' Chapter describes the early methods of financing solar in East Africa. The book was one of the first to validate the use of off-grid solar in rural electrification.

A Renewable Energy Plan for Mozambique (2009)

Written with the support of the international rivers network, this book describes how decentralised renewable solar wind and hydro power systems could contribute to Mozambique's energy plan.

WWF Uganda (2015)

Mark Hankins was one of the key authors of this WWF publication that demonstrated how renewable energies can meet 100% of Uganda's needs.

Stand-alone Solar Electric Systems (2010)

The Earthscan Expert Handbook for Planning, Design and Installation.

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