Solar Energy Pioneer, Activist and Visionary

A Lifetime In The Sun

Mark Hankins is a pioneer, engineer, writer, field worker, and activist who has worked for over 30 years to build the solar energy sector in Africa. Based in Nairobi, he has:

  • Championed solar energy and advocated for its recognition and inclusion in national energy policies and donor programs.
  • Researched, developed and piloted solar energy solutions for energy access in over 20 countries in Africa.
  • Studied markets and built supply chains and networks that deliver solutions.
  • Designed, engineered and installed hundreds of off-grid solar systems in East Africa.
  • Created awareness and built demand for them throughout the market.

Teaching and Early Projects

Hankins came to Kenya in the 1980s as a science teacher in an off-grid Meru Harambee school. With Harold Burris and some of Kenya’s first solar technicians, he installed lighting systems in four schools. Over 5 years, early customers near these schools bought $1M worth of solar home systems from Burris and the technicians. Hankins actively promoted these experiences with local companies, NGOs and internationally. The experience gave rise to a rapid proliferation of small domestic solar systems in Kenya. By 1992 there were over 100,000 home systems in Kenya. Now, there are millions across Africa.

Energy Alternatives Africa & Energy for Sustainable Development.

Recognizing the future of off-grid solar energy, in 1994 Hankins moved to Nairobi permanently and set up the company Energy Alternatives AFRICA, Ltd. to provide services to the emerging energy access sector. In 1997, EAA merged with the UK company Energy for Sustainable Development (now CAMCO) and Hankins managed ESD projects throughout East and Southern Africa. After 10 years with EAA/ESD Hankins left to form African Solar Designs to focus on larger solar systems beyond the energy access space. With his companies, Mark:

  • Designed and conducted scores of solar training in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Somalia, Ethiopia and elsewhere.
  • Managed market studies, national solar projects, technology development and policy work for the World Bank, the UN, multiple donors and companies in over 20 countries.
  • Piloted new technologies including mini-grids, grid connect solar, pumping and productive use technologies and financing modalities.
  • Advocated for off-grid solar use with governments, donors, clients, companies — and at scores of international conferences.

Sustainable Living

Mark lives by his ideals. With his family, he has created a model of sustainable environmental conservation and renewable energy in the Ngong Hills.

  • The off-grid family house uses wind and solar power to run their household and office appliances. Water is collected off the roof and wastes are processed through an anaerobic digester.
  • Over 2000 planted indigenous acacia, olive and cedar trees have restored what was degraded grazing land and re-wilded the area.
  • A community-run nursery provides seedlings for local households.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The African Sustainable Energy Association awarded Hankins a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2023.

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